Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Honor Harrington movie or TV series?

It seems that rumors are out that the long anticipated movie based on David Weber's Honor Harrington series may actually be moving towards reality. I also noted that there is a posting for the movie with producers names who have at least some films to their credit. I don't know how long this has been up, it also lists Peter Sands (Ayn Rand, The Happy Valley, Diamond Skulls, The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne - two episodes) as the Screenplay writer, Victoria Burrows (all three Lord of the Rings, Hostage, King Kong and Polar Express) as Casting Director and Tom Meleck (Brainstorm-1983, Drive, In Enemy Hands, an episode of Quantum Leap and Across the Tracks) as Production Designer.

However Peter Sands bio on IMDB and VisionFire states that it will be a TV series which means most the names being bandied about to play Honor probably won't be available for such a long commitment. Though this was caught first by whoever edited the Wikipedia entry for Honor Harrington and it's clones.

There has been an ongoing debate as to who should play Honor in the movie, we should probably now turn out thoughts to who would play her on TV. Most of the ones I have heard suggested for the movie probably would not commit to a TV series as it is a much longer commitment that most screen actresses would steer away from.

Maybe Michelle Lintel (Black Scorpion)

or Shannon Elizabeth (yes her!)

or Robia LaMorte though at 5'6" she may be too short

A popular vote in poll for playing Honor in the movie is Claudia Black who I agree would be good, but I think is a little too old (certainly not old, but for the role) given the perceived youth of prolong receipients (you have to read the books)

Another choice from the movie poll that would be good but too short is Kristen Kreuk

An excellent Honor that might be talked into going back to TV, though also in the too short category, is Jessica Alba

Though I would love to see Charisma Carpenter as Honor!

A vote from the movie poll that would be a good possiblity for TV is Lexa Doig (Andromeda) though also too short

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Biodiesel problems

This story seems to imply that there are problems with the biodiesel blend being mandated in MN. However they talk about a possible problem with too much glycerin and the blend is only two percent biodiesel. This seems like they are just trying to pay lip service to the advantages of biodiesel. Usually the lowest blend is B20 (20% biodiesel) and glycerin is a by product of making biodiesel so if there is too much it sounds like the processing is incomplete.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

England - Big brother Poster Child

If you can't prevent crime you can at least get the (second) best technology to play with! I wonder if this will really affect their arrest rate. Course it means millions of hours of video added to all those millions of hours they already have with cameras all through their cities.

Scotland - How far you have fallen!

I would hate to thing what The Bruce would think of this. Come to think of it, no I would love to see what he would do in this situation!

Maryland - Poster child of the Nanny State

So not only is the guy that steals your car a criminal you can be one too! Not only a fine but a point just for being a normal human being in the freezing weather!

Second Hand smoke study

Any city thinking about enacting new restrictions on smoking ought to do a similar study as it should open their eyes to the real situation. Thank you St. Louis!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New DVDs

I just finished watching the latest set of new release DVDs from Amazon. Just what I needed to help relax this week.

The Brothers Grimm - Nice take off on the old fairy tales. Kept me interested and wasn't as straight forward as I was afraid it might be.

Must Love Dogs - As touching as expected, excellently acted and hit just the right mood. I do wonder about how often the movies show actors living a comfortable life (compared to most) with no means of support.

Serenity - What can I say. Just pure Joss Whedon, I didn't get to see it more than once when it was on the big screen, though this plays much better on the big screen. It just has that feel that begs for a scree 20' tall to match the story and the characters. I really enjoyed the deleted scenes and there were a few I really wish had been left in the movie. Specially the last with the Operative where Mal walks away saying "What a whiner."

Actors at Fort Polk

This rather amusing but informative posting describes how actors help in Fort Polk war games or should I say terrorist games?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Top Ten: NY TWU striker another reason to...

This posting by Instapundit reader Robert Brunham that the strike is just another reason not to live in a high density city lead me to come up with the following top ten.

Not only is the TWU strike another reason not to live in a big city, it is also;

1. ...another reason not to implement mass transit in cities that don't have it.

2. ...another reason not to expand mass transit in cities that have entered the game.

3. ...another reason why we won't replace cars.

4. ...another reason why unions are loosing favor in all but government jobs.

5. ...another reason not to trust other government unions, as if you needed another, like the teachers union.

6. ...another reason to expand telecommuting.

7. ...another reason to look for a job in the suburbs.

8. ...another reason to live in the south, at least if you have to walk to work, daycare, school, etc., it's not 2º.

9. ...another reason to get that Segway for Christmas.

10. ...and finally, another reason to leave town for the holidays.

As this posting points out this strike is a battle of the have-nots versus the have-nots.

I found the TWU strike plans on Local 100's blog site to be a hoot. After all, everyone knows this strike is all about the public's safety! And it is to insure the public is safe and management doesn't try any tricks that the union will insure the buses and trains stay shut down during the strike!

This quote is just so touching, of course I am sure the public will cheer those picketers on;

"To our riders, we ask for your understanding and forbearance.

We stood with you to keep token booths open, to keep conductors on the train, and to oppose fare hikes.

We now ask that you stand with us. "

Just Because

The father of a slain soldier tells why his son died.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I had of those interesting conversations tonight that always catches you off guard, or maybe just me. I was having dinner with two colleagues from work and one, knowing of course I would disagree, brought up gun control. I am always surprised when well-educated people take a position such as we ought to get rid of all guns. The idea that we could actually get rid of ALL guns is a fantasy, was pretty much my exact words. We can't even keep out drugs, another ridiculous idea, why would you think we can keep out guns.

I raised the idea that even if you COULD get rid of all guns and keep them out, the criminals (or those of us who believe in self defense) could always build guns. His reply was something about preventing them from getting the materials to build guns. Ok, there go plumbing supply stores, hardware stores, etc.. He actually acted surprised to hear you don't need a license to own a gun. He also seemed a bit stumped that the police will admit they can't prevent violence, only arrest the perpetrator after the fact.

I decided to check out what was the latest on the web on the subject and ran across this gem! San Francisco, in their own fantasy world for years, has decided to outlaw ban guns citywide. This in a city where 74 out of 94 murders this year are unsolved. This quote from a representative from Second Amendment Foundation was great; "Supervisor Chris Daly, the gun ban's sponsor and biggest advocate, says he will introduce a city charter amendment to create a homicide prevention council. They're going to draft a plan to reduce homicides. Yeah, like that's going to stop San Francisco thugs from murdering people."

When was the last time a government plan ever had anything but the opposite affect?

Something you may not have thought about

Most people when considering environmental issues may think in vague terms about costs. Usually however, as happened to me yesterday, when you bring up the costs in millions or billions the association is made to other parts or the total of the US government budget. This article though brings home what enviromental regulations are costing YOU in the form of wages. I would love to see one that adds share of taxes (state, local and federal) to this to give you an idea of the total cost to the individual of these "green" regulations.

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Agitator full of news (mostly bad) on our freedoms

The Agitator has done an excellent job of pointing to many articles around the web telling of the erosion of our freedoms. I would like to take a minute to point a few out to my friends.

Pot leads to HIV?! Ok follow the bounding ball; smoke, get stone, unprotected sex, HIV. Stupid is as stupid does! Good blog, I immediately added DARE Generation to my must read list of blogs!

Congress has so lost track of what their constitutional duties. They need to sit down and read Davy Crockett

One of the things that people who support the War on Drugs forget is the cost the innocent pay.

Parsley can be illegal?

Would you like a .357 with that pie sir?

If you haven't heard of Cory Maye you ought to.

If you have lived or visited DC you know jaywalking is just something everyone does. However this is first I have heard that ticketing someone for jaywalking is the DC police first response for an elderly man lying near death in the street!

Leave your mediation behind if you plan on heading to South Padre Island.

Mudville Gazette gives a wider view of support for the war

The ever knowledgeable Mudville Gazette gives a good round up of how our international partners seems to have a better understanding of the situation in Iraq that some of our politicians. Try a few of these articles.

Particularly this one of a recent poll that reports when asked what is a priority for the new government only 10% indicated withdrawal of US troops.

Iraq asks Japan to stay the course and Japan answers with a second by Australia.

Even Denmark understands why support the new Iraq government with troops is important.

US residents from India are illegal says Indian diplomat!

Where I work about 40-50% of the programmers are from India and I am sure they would be very surprised to hear that India feels that they are living in the US illegally! Hat tip to Albion's Seedlings

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Here's one for those NIMBY opponents of biodiesel plants from Glenville MN.

Another new plant is planned for outside of Humboldt TN.

Thank a soldier week - Dec 19-25

What ever you are doing in the coming days take a minute or two to go by and leave a message for our soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors away from home during the holidays.

Great sites to find good Holiday gifts

If you have having a hard time finding gifts for the holidays here are some sites where I do my window shopping for things I would like to have.

Gizmodo, this site has the latest and greated gadgets and hi-tech gear. If your guy sweats a lot you might want to avoid the iPod underwear! They also have some hi-tech toys for actual kids here too.

Uncrate, this site concentrates on men's fear ranging from clothes, bags, cars, and other manly gadgets.

Hi-Tech Toys, I ran into this TV show the other day and this is their web site.

For coffee lovers try the Coffeegeek.

If you know someone who is going to server our country in the Middle East or just likes to shoot the heck out of things you might try Ranger Joe's.

For you ladies who have a problem with their man leaving the seat up try this.

I visited the brick and mortar site of this store when passing through Montana when I moved to Washington and bought a great patterned sheepskin throw.

I have wanted for some time a really long scarf like Dr. Who wore and haven't found anything until now. I found two sites selling long scarves inspired by the Harry Potter movies, this one looks to have a big backlog, but this one not only has Hogwartz inspired scarves but Dr. Who scarves with no apparent backlog.

If you know a bibliophile here are some great sites; Powells has a great choice of out of publication books. When I lived in North Virginia and needed a technical book Reiter's was always the best place to go and still is.

A few years ago I began collecting old pinups from the '30s and '40s because while sexy they are also light hearted. This is a great site for finding them.

If you want to give your loved ones some of the best grazing for the holidays try The Nut Factory. Their brick and mortar store was just down the highway fro where I lived in Spokane and my co-workers love of the candy accounts for many a visit to my cube at work.

Idiot Hollywood writers, editors, and directors.

I am one of those people who tape all the TV shows I want to watch so I can watch them when I want to (maybe the only one as I have never run into another one who does.) Last week was very light in watchable shows so I taped a few shows that I ordinarily skip one of which was Joey.

The story was about an old flame of Joey's sister being in town and they are doing a scene where this loser and her son get in a competition on who is the smarter and Joey notices that they are exhibiting the exact same mannerisms. Joey turns to her and asks "How long ago did you sleep with Jimmy?", her response "22 years ago", Joey then asks "And how old is Michael?", her response "22 and 9 months".

I went back and checked on tape to make sure I wasn't mistaken and that is exactly what they said. So not only did the writer screw up the dialogue but the director and editors also missed it afterwards. They evidently knew that they needed to add nine months but seemed unclear on to which end of the equation.


If you are a fan of sushi this video is hilarious, if however you have never had sushi before, but intend to, don't watch the video.

My role model

When I heard that Hugh Hefner had three girlfriends (Holly, Bridget, and Kendra) that got along and shared him, at the age of 79, I was impressed. But then when reading this interview when I found out he had had SEVEN girlfriends at the time I had to admire the man!

If you thought PETA was extreme, check this bunch out!

I have heard some pretty outrageous statements from PETA equating the killing of animals with the killing of humans. But this group actually thinks that we should go extinct because other species are going extinct now and it is all our fault! If species never went extinct then the dinosaurs and sabertooth tigers and such would still be around. And most of those extinctions (probably on the order of 99%) needed no help from humans.

What is really really sick about this is they are apparently teaching this viewpoint to children. He claims members of the group as young as 10!

As a libertarian I don't advocate locking nuts like this up, but what ever happened to good old shunning?!?

Friday, December 09, 2005

Eco-activists shaded view of the world

I wouldn't really call it looking through rose colored glasses. But activists on the envioronment certainly seem to see all issues through filters. This one is arguing that biodiesel is not the answer as the only way to produce enough of it is to burn off tropical areas, dry out tropical peatlands and plant palms as palm oil is the most efficient oil producing crop. This activity will of course realize carbon into the air which means in the short term (at least in Earth's life cycle it is short) more carbon will be released than saved.

Ok, that presupposes that anyone would be silly enough to make such a massive change to plant palms! It also ignores our ability to increase oil production in other crops. Look at the massive increase in soy production through GM seeds, in 2004 the U.S. had it's largest crop in history at 3.14 billion bushels. This while maintaining herbocide use at 1996 levels and switching to a more environmentally friendly herbicide glyphosate.

If the goal is to maximize oil production there is likely to be big gains in oil efficiencies in crops like soy and canola through selective breeding (as we have done throughout history) or through GM which can lead to rapid increases in a more controlled manner.

The same activists will not even consider nuclear energy as it doesn't meet their view of the world. Though a founding member of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, is trying to change the public's view on this.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Biodiesel emissions

I was recently asked about how biodiesel does on reducing emissions. While my interests is more on alternatives to petroleum I looked into it. I have found the following ;

From Encarta;
In 1997 the Veggie Van, a small motor home powered by a diesel motor that runs on a fuel made from used and new vegetable oil (called biodiesel), took a 16,000 km (10,000 mi) journey. The Veggie Van reached speeds up to 105 km/h (65 mph) and achieved a gas mileage of 10.5 km per liter (25 mi per gallon). Some fuel for the Veggie Van was made from used restaurant fryer oil, and its exhaust smelled like french fries.
© 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

This from an article by the Albany Democrat-Herald
Biodiesel, made from barley, soy and other crops, as well as waste grease from food service or processing industries, is a renewable energy source produced domestically. Carbon dioxide and monoxide emissions are substantially reduced in vehicles that use biodiesel blends, and biodiesel’s higher lubricity helps engines run more smoothly.

Biodiesel cost varies widely, but prices can be as much as 30 cents more per gallon than highway diesel. Moreover, the Water Bureau’s research led to the discovery of several potential headaches.

Heavy vehicles that run on biodiesel can experience up to a 10 percent power reduction due to the lower Btu fuel. And the fuel has difficulty performing at low temperatures, so some vehicles would not be able to run on biodiesel in the winter.

“Biodiesel isn’t the be-all, end-all solution,’’ said Don Holmes, sustainability coordinator for the Water Bureau.

More news in biodiesel today,

This article focuses more on the consumer market end of the equation and provides an interesting view. (Oregon)

Another plan to build a biodiesel plant, this time in Tennessee

In other parts of the world Malayasia plans to build three plants and mentions that global demand for biodiesel is expected to hit 10.5 million tonnes a year soon.

To show that the NIMBY principle doesn’t apply only to prisons and oil refinieries a planned biodiesel plant in Louisville comes unter assault by local residents. Residents are said to fear “…potential problems with odors, chemical emissions and truck traffic.” One resident is quoted as saying "We don't need it, we don't want it." And another "We want some other kind of business in there we know won't cause pollution problems." The article also provides a fact from the National Biodiesel Board that 46 biodiesel plants operate around the country. (Kentucky)

This article speaks to where I see the greatest potentional of biodiesel to be, in the manufacture of their own biodiesel by users. Costillo County is building their own small biodiesel plant from canola to fuel the county vehicles. The other by products will be sold, glycerol for a number of products such as soap or to be used for dust control on roads in major developments to prevent pollution to streams and canola meal as livestock feed.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Day by Day says it best!

My favorite cartoon gives a good sense of the liberal and media relationship.

Murtha seems to either not pay attention or only reads what supports his position.

Today while reading the latest on the shooting in Miami by a air-marshal, I saw this posting about Murtha claiming Bush has no credibility on Iraq. The article states 'But Murtha told reporters, "I don't see the kind of progress he sees." He said Iraqi electricity and oil production still lag behind prewar levels, and billions in reconstruction funds remain unspent.'. Maybe he should read (or at least not ignore) this Washington Times article. If you are only going to pay attention to what is not getting better (and the terrorists are doing their best to prevent progress) and ignore all the good news, then sure you are going to see the glass as half empty.

That reminds me of the story a few days ago with protesting the reduction in staff at a major newspaper. This recent report from the Media Research Center shows how the media is focusing on negative events in Iraq. Is it a wonder that some people thing that Iraq is a failure? But for a senator to allow himself to be ignorant of the progress made or worse yet to mis-represent the progress, and then cast Bush as lacking credibility base on that spin, is unacceptable.

Israeli Sea-Green submarine

I recently saw a picture of a Dolphin class submarine Israel imported from Germany painted a rather startling green. I inquired of a bubble-head if he knew why and one of his commentators guessed as better camouflage in the shallow Med. Then I saw this posting which refers to the "bright sea-green camouflage paint". I guess that settles it, thus proving that if you want a quick military answer go to a milblogger. I still think they ordered the paint job from the Volkswagen plant when they bought the sub.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Beautiful photos from Russia

This is a picture from the russian equivalent of Flickr.

Human upgrades!

This is wild! I have to wonder how the religious fundamentalists will craft their arguement against this. Some of the proposed upgrades certainly are more attuned to the prurient interests, but the built in Bluetooth antenna, webbing, and second thumb certainly have real world potential. This is right out of cyber-punk science fiction.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Lao-Tzu the first libertarian

This article by Murray Rothbard from the Mises Institutde argues that Lao-Tzu, the founder of Taoism in China in the sixth century BC, was the first intellectual libertarian and it's a good arguement.

Eminent Domain abuse

This article states that New York State's economic development agency is pushing for use of eminent domain to take private property to hand over to the Seneca Indian Nation which as an Indian nation is a seperate legal entity from the state government. The first article indicates and this article confirms that the state promised to use it's eminent domain powers for this purpose in it's 2002 gaming compact with the tribe.

It's just another case of the government being more than willing to take private property for citizens to raise money. In this case taking some 50 acres to gain millions in state revenue from casinos that of course only the tribe can have.

Davey Crockett - Part 2

This posting by Michelle Malkin over the misuse, abuse, and down right thievery of funds from the 9/11 disaster recovery effort makes a good case for why our politicians today and our voters today (most importantly of all) need to read this story now.

Davy Crockett the responsible politician

This story was just republised in Liberty magazine and it really struck a chord with me. I don't know exactly when we just took for granted that the government should act as a charity rather than supporting those charities that exist for this kind of thing.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

I would like to find some verification of this.

This posting by an air force member of the ISG states there was and are WMDs in Iraq.

As with so many things if you just read the headlines you might miss the reality.

Amazingly enough from the New York Times, not normally known for publishing stories on the reality of the situation rather than the news worthy story line. I guess it just happens to be a subject where they prefer the reality gets a chance at being heard. (You need a free registration to read the full article).

Like the testimony at the Dover trial it shows that when it comes to the hard science questions ID proponents are left holding the bag.

While this Reuters article limits coverge to the political and sociological basis of the arguement.

SVO - Straight Vegetable Oil

This one apparently requires no additives like biodiesel does.

Biodiesel breaking out all over.

I thought I would start paying more attention to biodiesel recently and find that there are efforts everywhere. The following are just a few of this week's highlights;

The first biodiesel plant in Wisconsin breaks ground.

Wyoming looking to be a major hub in the biodisel industry.

There does seem to be some room for improvement. Algae in your fuel tank! - (Colorado)

Caldwell County School District in Kentucky switched to Bio20.

This one I have seen several places. I am sure I would prefer all these byproducts in my fuel then in my hotdog! - (Montreal)

Another reason for living in the country instead of the crowded city -(Iowa).

Now we know what to do with the fat from all those chickens. - (Arkansas)

Texas isn't going to be left out of this new fuel industry either.

Who do job cuts at a newspaper hurt?

Well it seems from this protest that it hurts the liberals. I guess that says a lot by itself about whose side of the issues the newspapers usually come down on!

And my favorite cartoon Day by Day weighs in!

This just in; "Teaching with a personal bias is wrong"

Course it seems to depend on what you are teaching. Religious conservatives were up in arms because a recent class to teach Intelligent Design and Creationism as myths was planned for Kansas University. They are using the professors personal comments as cause why he should not be teaching it, but they would really prefer the class not be taught at all though 32 students had already signed up for it.

Too bad they don't get so worked up over all the normal sociology, history and political science classes taught by professors with a bias. They may also describe the entire women's studies and any race based department. Who are they kidding? Most any class taught today is by a professor with some personal bias. Some do better than others at keeping their bias from seeping into their course material but many, if not most, seem to be hired for the express purpose of teaching from their bias.